Vulnerable Sector Checks for Volunteering
Getting your Vulnerable Sector Check
To be able to work with students while volunteering, you need to have a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) - a type of Police Record Check - from the Toronto Police Service. Please note that Police Checks undertaken for other volunteer positions/work cannot be submitted, it has to be though the TDSB.
This is obtained through the following link: by selecting Vulnerable Sector Check - Volunteer as the "Report Selection" when prompted. In the box labelled "VSC Organization Code", enter the TDSB code: 202309TPSOND7EFC. (See more detailed instructions in the PDF below.)
There is an initial fee at time of writing of $26.72; this fee only needs to be paid once.
When you have completed the process, you will receive an email from confirming that your application has been submitted.
The VSC takes several weeks (see Processing Times on the main page). When your VSC has been completed, you will receive another email from with instructions how to download the file. You should do this promptly as it will be deleted after 90 days.
The final step is to send an email to including the following:
The VSC document you downloaded
The document password instructions supplied by
Wording stating the purpose of the VSC and the school name: "The purpose of the VSC is volunteering at Second Street JMS."
The above process only needs to be completed once. In subsequent years, you will receive an email from the school annually, around the time of your original submission, requesting you to fill out a "Volunteer Annual Offence Declaration", to return to the school or by email to An example of this form can be found below.
Renewing your Vulnerable Sector Check
The process of only needs to be completed once. In subsequent years, you will receive an email from the school annually, around the time of your original submission, requesting you to fill out a "Volunteer Annual Offence Declaration", to return to the school or by email to An example of this form can be found below.
Q. I received a message requesting a letter, what do I do?
If you receive the message shown below, you can safely ignore it. The letter is not required for Vulnerable Sector Checks for the TDSB.
Q. My identity authentication failed, what do I do?
If your online identity authentication fails, you may receive a message like the following:
To resolve this problem, upload the requested ID documents and photo by clicking on the yellow shield labelled 2 shown below: