Interested in getting involved?
Getting involved with Second St is a great way to get to know the school, know more about what your kiddo is talking about, meet other parents, and build the school community. There are many ways to participate!
For many roles, you will need a Vulnerable Sector Check, so getting this done is a great place to start.
Volunteering with your child's classroom
Here are some ways you can help in your child’s classroom. Reach out to your child's teacher and ask for or suggest ideas!
Reading with students who need extra help
Supervising children on field trips
Assisting with sports activities
Speaking on topics related to the classroom program
Collecting community materials for a classroom project
Volunteering with SAC
SAC enjoys organizing events to strengthen our Second St. JMS community, however the key to the success of these initiatives is VOLUNTEERS! We encourage you to sign-up to be part of our volunteer mailing list. Signing up does not mean that you are signed up for every event, it just allows us to communicate any opportunities to volunteer to you in a timely manner. You can choose the number of times and/or ways in which you are able to assist us. To register your interest in volunteering, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
SAC Committees
SAC operates a number of sub-committees that focus on various areas of interest, including: Fundraising, Grants, Communication, Pizza Day, Budget, and Garden and Outdoor Education. You do not need to hold an official SAC role to join a committee. As a committee member you help plan out the cadence of events, organize volunteers, create relevant communications, etc. To join any committee, fill out the form at the bottom of this page or email
SAC Meetings
All parents, guardians, teachers, and staff at Second St JMS are welcome to attend SAC meetings, ask any questions, give feedback, and participate in all discussions. The principal and SAC members are always present at these meetings. (Formal motions can only be voted on by SAC Members, see below.) To join an SAC meeting, register for it when the registration email is sent to you.
SAC Members and Executive
SAC includes both Executive Roles (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and voting Members. Elections for these formal roles take place at the first SAC meeting of the year. If you're interested in an official SAC role, please check out this page for more information.