Interested in getting involved?
Many ways to get involved!
School Field Trips: Occasionally your child's teachers may reach out about needing volunteers for field trips - this is a great way to see your child in their circle of classmates! If interested, you will need to have a Police Reference Check done (see how). Please note that Police Checks undertaken for other volunteer positions/work cannot be submitted, it has to be though the TDSB.
SAC Executive: SAC Executive includes both Executive Roles (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary) and voting members. You do not need to be a member of the executive to attend a meeting and participate in any discussions, you just won't be able to vote on any motions brought forward. If you're interested in being on the SAC Exec either as a voting member, or as part of the organizing committee, please check out About SAC Exec for more information.
SAC Committees: SAC also includes a number of sub-committees that focus on various areas of interest. This includes, but is not limited to, Fundraising, Grants, Communication, Pizza Day, Budget and Garden and Outdoor Education Committee. You can sign-up to participate in any of the committees by filling out the form at the bottom of this page or emailing Please note that we need your support to help plan out the cadence of events, organize volunteers, create relevant communications, etc.
SAC Volunteer Opportunities: SAC enjoys organizing events to strengthen our Second St. JMS community, however the key to the success of these initiatives is VOLUNTEERS! We encourage you to sign-up to be part of our volunteer mailing list. Signing up does not mean that you are signed up for every event, it just allows us to communicate any opportunities to volunteer to you in a timely manner. You can choose the number of times and/or ways in which you are able to assist us.
SAC Meetings: While only SAC voting members can vote on issues, all parents, guardians, teachers, and staff at Second St JMS are welcome to attend
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with SAC, you can fill in a form below.
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