SAC Elections - September 24, 2024
What is the Parent/Guardian Representative's role?
The role of a representative is to regularly attend School Advisory Council meetings and actively participate in conversation and committees.
As a SAC member, you can help your council discover new and exciting ways to contribute to the education of students in your school. Education is a partnership involving parents, teachers, principals, school boards, government, and the community. Your involvement in the council gives you the opportunity to strengthen that partnership and to be part of a dedicated team working to ensure a high quality of education and an accountable education system for the children of Ontario.
Representatives are voting members who shall:
contribute to the discussions of the council
solicit parent feedback to share with council
participate on any committees established by the council
observe the council’s code of ethics and established bylaws.
All SAC meetings are open to the public and all parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend; however, only elected representatives can vote at SAC meetings.
There is a maximum of 25 people who are all elected or acclaimed as Parent/Guardian Representatives. If all 25 positions are not filled after the initial election period, candidates seeking to join later may be appointed at any of the meetings of council.
Become a parent/guardian representative or to apply to an executive position
To submit a nomination form for yourself or another parent/guardian, please fill in the attached nomination form. Virtual school parents/caregivers are eligible to be members and are eligible to hold executive positions (e.g. voting membership, chair, etc.) if Second Street JMS is the student’s home school.
Completed forms must be received by email ( by Sunday, September 22nd, 2024. A person is not eligible to be a SAC Parent/Guardian Representative if they are employed at Second Street JMS.
2024/25 SAC Meeting Dates (meetings will be mostly virtual though there may be one each term in person)
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (SAC election)
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 (in person)
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 (in person)
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
Tuesday, June 10, 2025
What is an Executive role?
SAC Co-Chairs (1-2 roles)
The co-chair acts as the primary representative of the School Advisory Council. The co-chairs will:
arrange meetings, prepare meeting agendas, chair meetings and work with the secretary or other school council members to ensure they maintain records of minutes at each meeting
take responsibility for overseeing all activities
liaise with all committees
facilitate resolution of conflict
participate as ex-officio members of all committees established by the council
communicate with the school principal on behalf of the council
be aware of and disclose any conflicts of interest within the council
work with the council treasurer to ensure accurate and timely recording and reporting of council funds
ensure all funds collected are counted and verified by another individual and ensure council funds are kept in the school’s locked safe until they are ready for deposit
Treasurer (1 role)
The treasurer keeps proper records of all monies that are collected and spent by the school council. The treasurer will:
record all financial transactions
present quarterly and year-end financial statements to the council
follow standard financial reporting and accounting procedures
provide a financial report at council meetings, either in person or in writing to the co-chairs in advance of the meeting
prepare monthly bank reconciliations
prepare cheque requests for council expenses including reimbursement to Second Street JMS, parents, teachers, or other members of the school community for council expenses paid by them directly
prepare deposit vouchers including re-counting of cash collected for various council events
prepare and submit annual report including all supporting documentation
ensure all funds collected are counted and verified by another individual, and that council funds are kept in the school’s locked safe until they are ready for deposit
Secretary (1-2 roles)
The secretary records and distributes meeting minutes. The secretary will:
record the meetings and type up the minutes
make note of actions promised and planned
distribute the minutes to the chair, co- chair, and principal
post the minutes, once approved in a public place for the parents and staff to read
maintaining the parent email distribution list and provide class email lists to class parents and teachers with guidelines for email distribution
work with the co-chairs to ensure parents receive information electronically in a timely manner
fielding email questions/concerns from parents/guardians, teachers and staff and forward them to the appropriate Council committee lead