SAC Executives

About School Advisory Council (SAC)

New to school councils or the TDSB? Start here to learn more about School [Advisory] Councils!

Our Second Street JMS SAC is guided by our By-Laws, Code of Ethics and Roles & Responsibilities which were approved in the 2022-2023 year.

All parents/guardians of a student at Second Street JMS are invited to attend any council meeting.  Find the meeting schedule here. 

The yearly election process occurs within 30 days from the beginning of the school year.


The bylaws identify Five (5) executive officer positions that must be voted on each term.  The 2023-2024 executive officers, as acclaimed in the first meeting (see minutes here):
Co-Chairs:  Magda Gray & Milena Doroszuk
Co-Secretaries: Toli Anastassiou & Natasha Mistry
Treasurer: Lindsay Richardson 

Staff Rep: Mme. Chabot, Mme. Allen, Mr. Hyatt


Learn more about our committees here.
Communications &  Engagement: Alison Merchant
Social & Fundraising: Kristy Fletcher 

Garden Committee: Shaylagh Gross & Kristle Calisto-Tavares

DEI & Safe Schools: Edward Vella

Budget: Lindsay Richardson

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact